Weight loss can be a struggle for all of us, and we’re all looking for an edge. Provitalize, from Better Body Co., looks to provide that edge. They are marketed as a weight-loss supplement specifically for women around menopause.
Provitalize relies on three key probiotics to set them apart from other weight-loss supplements. We will review the product, here, to see if it works. We want you to find the best supplement for your goals so we’ll offer some alternatives.
Do Probiotics work for Weight-Loss?
We’ve all read the headlines and product labels about probiotics. But some of us might not know what they really are. Here’s a quick run-down.
The ‘bio’ in probiotics just means life— like in ‘biology.’ The ‘pro’ just means ‘for.’ We’re all familiar with antibiotics that our doctor prescribes when we’re sick. Those are designed to attack the ‘life’ of whatever infection we have.
Probiotics are to encourage the bacteria that naturally occur in our digestive tract to help us break down food better and metabolize calories in a healthy way.
The jury is still out on probiotics and weight-loss. A great article on WebMD gives a pretty good breakdown. What it boils down to is not all probiotics are created equal. And they’re best when combined with proven weight loss factors, such as the glucomannan fiber we’ve found in products like Leanbean and Trimtone.Top Alternatives
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How Provitalize Works
The first of the three probiotics that Provitalize uses is L.Gasseri (SBT 2055). We did find one study that suggests L.Gasseri reduces fat gains in mice. We couldn’t determine from the findings in that study whether this caused liver damage. This is important because in the Conclusion of the study, they found a possible connection between Gasseri and adipose functions of the liver.
The second probiotic used is B.Breve (IDCC 4401). We did find another study that suggested B.Breve can help with obesity in mostly diabetic patients. While this is encouraging, we could not find any large-scale studies suggesting it may work in the larger population.
The last probiotic they use is B.Lactis (R101-8). The only mention we saw in a clinical study mentions Lactis only in conjunction with B.Breve. All of these probiotics work by combating inflammation in the liver and other digestive tract tissues, which further stimulates them to burn adipose (fatty) tissue.
We did not find any large-scale studies to support this specific combination of bacteria as a supplement for weight loss. Products such as PhenQ, which contains a proprietary ingredient called α-Lacys Reset®, offer a list of all the trials they’ve conducted to support their claims of weight loss.
Foods with Probiotics
All of the three probiotics we looked at in Provitalize are naturally occurring in yogurt, miso (soup, etc.), kimchi, cheese, and even sauerkraut and pickles.
That means that if you’re not interested in taking a supplement, or if you’re already focused on a probiotic diet change, you may already be getting these good bacteria in the foods you eat. Even without focusing on probiotics, you may find that you’re already getting enough of these bacteria in a daily yogurt and some weekly Asian cuisine.
Unlike PhenQ, with its trademarked α-Lacys Reset®, the key ingredients of Provitalize are available in foods available at most grocery stores.
Other Ingredients in Provitalize
Provitalize uses some really good ingredients that we’ve researched independently and in other products for their weight loss benefits.
The first is a thermogenic from the Turmeric Root. This has been used in some products instead of the caffeine Anhydrous. Anhydrous has had some adverse effects in women, and since Provitalize has marketed itself toward women, it makes sense to use the Turmeric Root. In fact, Leanbean uses it in their formula for the same reason.
Provitalize also has Moringa Leaf Extract and Curry Leaf Extract. The Moringa Leaf has some anti-inflammatory indications, which make it ideal if you’re experiencing hot-flashes or joint pains associated with menopause. The Curry Leaf Extract is used for its vitamin complexes.
The last two ingredients are Bioperine®️ and Sunflower Lecithin. The Bioperine®️ is a trademarked form of piperine, a natural extract of black pepper. Both Leanbean and PhenQ also have naturally extracted piperine, which is used to make sure that the ingredients of a supplement are absorbed into the body. The Sunflower is an emulsifier, just like any baking emulsifier, used to blend all the ingredients together.
What We Didn’t Find
Most weight-loss supplements contain some form of caffeine, and some form of fiber. There are reasons for and against this, but it’s notable that Provitalize contains neither.
The main reason for caffeine in a weight-loss supplement is the thermogenic effects. In short, thermogenic refers to the effect of helping your cells run a little warmer than normal, and warmth equals burning energy.
Given that Provitalize has marketed itself to menopausal women, it makes sense to avoid the caffeine in their products, to a point. Some women complain of hot-flashes and insomnia during menopause.
However, we’ve found that caffeine in products like Trimtone can take several different forms. For instance, in Trimtone specifically, we find Green Tea and Green Coffee extracts. Both of these contain antioxidants you can’t find anywhere else. Also, both contain other key compounds, like catechins, that have been researched to provide their own fat-burning benefits, all on their own.
Another key ingredient we didn’t find in Provitalize is fiber. Fiber is important in weight-loss supplements because it can serve three very important functions. The first is that it swells in the digestive tract, absorbing water, and helping us feel more full. This is especially studied in glucomannan from the konjac root (Trimtone and Leanbean), and the nopal cactus (PhenQ).
The second benefit of fiber is that it bonds with lipids to reduce absorption and helps the body process sugars more effectively.
While Provitalize didn’t mention it on their website, we can conjecture that they have left the fiber out of their product because of the appetite suppression effect. Probiotics, such as those Provitalize uses, can sometimes cause bloating. If they combined this with a swelling fiber, their customers may have encountered unwanted waist size increases, however temporary, and unrelated to actual weight gain.
Best Alternatives We Found
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While it may benefit certain people to use Provitalize, we don’t know if it’s for the population at large. It is marketed for menopausal women, and that should be kept in mind.
The probiotics found in Provitalize are available in dozens of foods already on the supermarket shelves. They are also available in probiotic supplements. If you do not want to change your diet, however, or are averse to the food products that contain them, then Provitalize could be right for you.
Provitalize may also be the right choice for you if you are averse to caffeine or products containing caffeine. Especially if you are in a period of hormone transition, such as menopause, then you may find caffeine stimulation unwelcome.
There have been some clinical studies suggesting that obesity can be combated by oral ingestion of probiotics. These probiotics are widely available in many common foods.
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There are no fiber ingredients we could find on their website.
There are no fiber ingredients we could find on their website.
Provitalize contains no caffeine—a good thing if you’re trying to stay away from stimulants.
We didn’t find any indication that you need to watch which products you use with Provitalize.