Millions of people every day use supplements to help with their weight loss goals. We all try to eat better, stay active, and make healthy choices. But sometimes we need a little help, and supplements are a great way to get that help.
On the cutting edge of the science of weight loss is finding things in nature that perhaps we are missing from our modern diets. Whether it’s the Keto diet, the Paleo diet, fish oil, or fiber, everyone seems to have unlocked the secret.
The makers of Modere Trim believe they’ve found a key ingredient to helping with losing body fat. It’s a compound called conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA. This is a fatty acid found naturally in ruminant animals (cattle, sheep, etc.) as a result of their diet.
Scientific studies have found sometimes dramatic fat loss in subjects who dose with certain CLA. We’ll review the science and the Modere Trim product.
Science Behind CLA
The biological mechanism of CLA weight can get pretty technical, and not all of it has been consistently verified in lab studies. We’ll give a lay person’s outline of how this fatty acid can reduce fat in the body.
In brief, the body processes calories in various ways, depending on need. Nearly all energy in cells is derived from ATP. This can be broken out of carbohydrate molecules or synthesized from other macronutrients. When we think of calories (from the Latin for “to burn”), we’re really oversimplifying a complex process.
One instance of how complicated the process gets is how fat is treated differently in the body. Depending on how our enzymes and other macronutrients react to the fat we ingest, it can either become fuel for a work out, body fat for insulation, body fat for energy storage, cholesterol in our arteries, or pass right through us.
According to one study, CLA is suggested to work by helping the body oxidize the white adipose tissue (stored body fat). This results in the “browning” of the adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue is generally stored only for thermogenesis, keeping the body warm to prevent hypothermia.
Brown adipose tissue, under certain circumstances, can be easier for your body to transform into energy. Thereby, according to that same study, if someone takes a CLA supplement over a long enough time, they will burn more fat.
These data are not fully replicated in every study, however. It is important to note that only the CLA 10,12 (trans-10,cis-12 isomer of conjugated linoleic acid) are shown to help with fat-loss. The good news is that CLA 10,12 is between about 40-45% of the CLA in vegetable-derived products, such as Modere Trim.
Review of Modere Trim
Modere uses a plant-derived form of CLA. They do not list their specific CLA 10,12 content, so we have had to rely on third-party studies to suppose that they have the proper amount of it in their product.
Modere does not itself cite any studies that they have done in support of their product. Some other weight-loss supplements with special ingredients do cite such studies. PhenQ, for instance, uses a trademarked compound called α-Lacys Reset®. This has been extensively studied and PhenQ shows some of those data on their website.
Modere Trim is offered in Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, and Coconut-Lime flavors. It is available on their website for $99.00 for a month supply. We didn’t find a lot of reviews or photographic testimonials on their website, unlike other products like Leanbean and Trimtone.
Having to rely on our own research, we can’t offer a fully confident review of Modere Trim.
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Foods with CLA
While CLA has been shown to support fat and weight loss, we also read in the study mentioned above that these CLA are present in nearly all ruminant animals. This can be an important detail if you’re trying to watch what you eat and work on natural supplementation.
For instance, we found numerous sources saying that CLA 10,12 (key for the fat loss benefits of CLA) were significantly higher in grass-fed beef and dairy products. (This is because the CLA is formed as a reaction to the natural chemistry of grasses.)
Therefore, if you’re looking for CLA in your diet, without taking a supplement, you may be able to shop around for it.
Unlike the α-Lacys Reset® in PhenQ, you can find the primary weight loss ingredient in Modere Trim in other foods. (α-Lacys Reset® is trademarked and cannot be found except in products like PhenQ.)
Leanbean and Trimtone use a proven fiber called glucomannan, from the konjac root. Like CLA acids, not all fibers are created equal, and the konjac root has been shown to be especially effective for appetite suppression. But unlike CLA 10,12, we haven’t found any konjac root in the grocery stores.
While CLA 10,12 is effective, so is glucomannan and other weight loss compounds. Unlike some other supplement ingredients, however, CLA 10,12 is common in many foods you can get at the local supermarket.
Other Ingredients in Modere Trim
Modere Trim touts itself as a powerful 2-in-1. The first of those 2 is the CLA, that we’ve covered. The second compound in Modere Trim is a collagen and hyaluronic acid combination.
We cannot find any direct weight-loss benefits of collagen or hyaluronic acids. These are both heavily associated with skin tone and anti-wrinkle effects. Some products, like Trimtone, use ingredients like Vitamin B complexes and caffeine, to stimulate weight loss, so we weren’t out right away on the collagen and hyaluronic acid.
Unlike the other ingredients in Leanbean and Trimtone, however, after researching the added compounds in Modere Trim, we couldn’t find any evidence to support the weight-loss functions of collagen and hyaluronic acid. (The glucomannan in Leanbean, for instance, has been covered in a number of studies.)
Vitamin B complexes, caffeine, and minerals like chromium and zinc, do help the body process carbohydrates in a healthier way, and support total muscle and metabolic health. Modere claims their collagen and hyaluronic acid work by “supporting joint and muscle fitness.” While collagen is an important connective tissue for all bodily functions, we couldn’t find any evidence for it in lab studies supportive of fat or weight loss.
While we did find some highly technical and scientific studies supportive of CLA in weight loss and fat burning, we did not find much support of the Modere Trim product, itself.
In addition to that, we couldn’t find any evidence of the other ingredients in Modere Trim helping with significant weight or fat loss. Unlike products like PhenQ, Leanbean, and Trimtone, to name a few, we’re not totally confident that the other ingredients in the Modere product are totally efficacious.
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Yes, most indications are that CLA help with fat and total bodyweight loss. Some of the data supportive of that have not been 100% duplicated in lab studies, though.
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There are nearly thirty known forms of CLA, and only two have been found to benefit fat loss. We researched CLA 10,12, mostly.
There are no fiber ingredients we could find on their website.
Absolutely. CLA 10,12 is found in most grazing animal food—such as beef and lamb, and the dairy thereof
Modere Trim only lists one other active ingredient, a collagen and hyaluronic acid compound. We could not find evidence proving this compound aids in weight or fat loss.
As far as we could tell, it is both safe and legal, with no evident reactions with other supplements or medications.